The trial itself was unmemorable. But my opponent was not. Nor was the date. November 2008 and it was a great time for two Didsbury lefties to be trialing. It was, you see, a great day for democracy. Obama’s victory occurred the night before Bob and I were due to make our closing speeches. We did what was then quite the thing, but nowadays, sadly, not so much: seamlessly weave the word or phrase du jour into your closing speech. Better still, without the judge realising. We enjoyed the moment, as I had done the company. Our paths crossed sporadically thereafter, usually in the local shops, where Bob talked rarely of work, but frequently of his family. What a gentle, affable, cool guy you were, Bob. A nuanced and economical style in court, matched by a refreshing acknowledgment that whilst the job matters, friends and family matter so much more. My sincere condolences to your family and to your close friends who had the great privilege to know and love you. Lisa Roberts QC, Leader of the Northern Circuit